É necessário o Perl ou aparecerá o seguinte erro
Process started: makeglossaries.exe "xxxxxxxx"
: The Perl interpreter could not be found.
Process exited with error(s)
A solução é baixar o compilador Pearl em
Depois de instalado, basta seguir algumas dicas simples de uso como apresentado em
\usepackage[acronym, toc]{glossaries}
\section{Primeira Seção}
The \Gls{latex} typesetting markup language is specially suitable for documents that include \gls{maths}. \Glspl{formula} are rendered properly an easily once one gets used to the commands.
\section{Segunda Seção}
Given a set of numbers, there are elementary methods to compute its \acrlong{gcd}, which is abbreviated \acrshort{gcd}. This process is similar to that used for the \acrfull{lcm}.
O arquivo da biblioteca/glossary.tex
description={Is a mark up language specially suited for scientific documents}
description={Mathematics is what mathematicians do}
description={A mathematical expression}
\newacronym{gcd}{GCD}{Greatest Common Divisor}
\newacronym{lcm}{LCM}{Least Common Multiple}
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